Customer Details Query in Oracle Apps

SELECT   role_acct.account_number, hzp.party_name, hl.address1, hl.address2,, hl.state, hl.postal_code, cont_party.person_last_name,
         DECODE (hcp.phone_line_type,
                 'GEN', hcp.phone_area_code || hcp.phone_number,
                ) phone_number,
         DECODE (hcp.phone_line_type,
                 'FAX', hcp.phone_area_code || hcp.phone_number,
                ) fax_number,
    FROM hz_cust_account_roles cont,
         hz_parties cont_party,
         hz_relationships cont_rel,
         hz_org_contacts cont_org,
         hz_parties cont_rel_party,
         ar_lookups l,
         ar_lookups l1,
         hz_contact_restrictions cont_res,
         hz_person_language per_lang,
         hz_contact_points cont_point,
         hz_cust_account_roles acct_role,
         hz_parties party,
         hz_parties rel_party,
         hz_relationships rel,
         hz_org_contacts org_cont,
         hz_cust_accounts role_acct,
         hz_cust_accounts cont_role_acct,
         hz_contact_points hcp,
         hz_parties hzp,
         hz_party_sites hps,
         hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcas,
         hz_locations hl
   WHERE cont_org.title = l.lookup_code(+)
     AND l.lookup_type(+) = 'CONTACT_TITLE'
     AND cont_org.job_title_code = l1.lookup_code(+)
     AND l1.lookup_type(+) = 'RESPONSIBILITY'
     AND cont.cust_account_role_id = acct_role.cust_account_role_id
     AND cont.party_id = cont_rel.party_id
     AND cont.role_type = 'CONTACT'
     AND cont_org.party_relationship_id = cont_rel.relationship_id
     AND cont_rel.subject_id = cont_party.party_id
     AND cont_rel.party_id = cont_rel_party.party_id
     AND acct_role.party_id = rel.party_id
     AND acct_role.role_type = 'CONTACT'
     AND org_cont.party_relationship_id = rel.relationship_id
     AND rel.subject_id = party.party_id
     AND rel_party.party_id = rel.party_id
     AND party.party_id = per_lang.party_id(+)
     AND per_lang.native_language(+) = 'Y'
     AND cont_point.owner_table_id(+) = rel_party.party_id
     AND cont_point.contact_point_type(+) = 'EMAIL'
     AND cont_point.primary_flag(+) = 'Y'
     AND party.party_id = cont_res.subject_id(+)
     AND cont_res.subject_table(+) = 'HZ_PARTIES'
     AND cont.cust_account_id = cont_role_acct.cust_account_id
     AND cont_role_acct.party_id = cont_rel.object_id
     AND acct_role.cust_account_id = role_acct.cust_account_id
     AND role_acct.party_id = rel.object_id
     AND rel_party.party_id = hcp.owner_table_id(+)
     AND hzp.party_id = role_acct.party_id
     AND role_acct.party_id = hps.party_id
     AND hps.party_site_id = hcas.party_site_id
     AND hl.location_id = hps.location_id
     AND cont_org.party_site_id = hcas.party_site_id
ORDER BY role_acct.account_number, cont.cust_account_role_id;

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bhaskar, I will appreciate if you have any query that can expose which internal customer has been given the name of the location. i.e. which location is given to which customer. Kindly mail me on if possible.

    Thanks a lot in advance


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