Hold information based on the Invoice Number

When we purchase some material/Goods/Items from Vendor/Supplier, after receiving the material. Vendor would send the INVOICE (We receive BILL for the Items you have received). And payment will be done automatically. If there is some discrepancy in the Items received and in the BILL/INVOICE you received, for them to hold the payment we normally set the HOLD rules. From the following Query you can know the Hold reason at the Summary level.

  FROM (SELECT api.invoice_id, api.invoice_date AS invoice_date,
               api.invoice_num AS invoice_num, pov.vendor_id AS vendor_id,
               pov.vendor_name AS supplier_name,
               apd.inv_lines AS total_inv_lines,
               NVL (hold_tab_info.hold_inv_lines, 0) AS total_line_holds,
                  (CEIL (  (hold_tab_info.hold_inv_lines * 100)
                         / DECODE (apd.inv_lines, 0, 1, apd.inv_lines)
                  ) AS percentage_line_hold,
               DECODE (hold_tab_info.hold_inv_lines,
                       NULL, 'N',
                       0, 'N',
                      ) AS defect,
               DECODE (hold_tab_info.hold_inv_lines,
                       NULL, 0,
                       0, 0,
                      ) AS defect_count,
               1 inv_count, NVL (hold_count.hold_cnt, 0) AS total_inv_holds,
               NVL (c.hold_os, 0) AS days_outstanding,
               NVL (api.invoice_amount, 0) AS total_invoice_amount,
               NVL (hold_tab_info.hold_amount, 0) AS total_hold_amount,
                  (CEIL (  (hold_tab_info.hold_amount * 100)
                         / DECODE (api.invoice_amount,
                                   0, 1,
                  ) AS percentage_amount_hold
          FROM apps.ap_invoices_all api,
               (SELECT   invoice_id, COUNT (invoice_id) inv_lines
                    FROM apps.ap_invoice_distributions_all
                GROUP BY invoice_id) apd,
               (SELECT   invoice_id, COUNT (hold_lookup_code) hold_cnt
                    FROM apps.ap_holds_all
                   WHERE 1 = 1 AND line_location_id IS NOT NULL
                GROUP BY invoice_id) hold_count,
               (SELECT   invoice_id, COUNT (hold_tab.line_num) hold_inv_lines,
                         SUM (hold_tab.hold_amount) hold_amount
                    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT api.invoice_id invoice_id,
                                          apd.amount hold_amount
                                     FROM apps.ap_invoices_all api,
                                          apps.ap_invoice_distributions_all apd,
                                          apps.po_distributions_all pod,
                                          apps.ap_holds_all aph
                                    WHERE 1 = 1
                                      AND api.invoice_id = apd.invoice_id
                                      AND aph.invoice_id(+) = api.invoice_id
                                      AND api.cancelled_date IS NULL
                                      AND apd.po_distribution_id = pod.po_distribution_id(+)
                                      AND aph.line_location_id =
                                      AND aph.line_location_id IS NOT NULL) hold_tab
                GROUP BY invoice_id) hold_tab_info,
               (SELECT   invoice_id, MAX (b.hold_os) hold_os
                    FROM (SELECT invoice_id,
                                     'R', (  TRUNC (NVL (last_update_date,
                                           - TRUNC (hold_date)
                                     (TRUNC (SYSDATE) - TRUNC (hold_date))
                                    ) hold_os
                            FROM apps.ap_holds_all
                           WHERE line_location_id IS NOT NULL) b
                GROUP BY invoice_id) c,
               apps.po_vendors pov
         WHERE 1 = 1
           AND hold_tab_info.invoice_id(+) = api.invoice_id
           AND c.invoice_id(+) = api.invoice_id
           AND api.invoice_id = apd.invoice_id
           AND api.vendor_id = pov.vendor_id(+)
           AND api.cancelled_date IS NULL
           AND api.invoice_id = hold_count.invoice_id(+))
 WHERE invoice_num = 'Your Invoice number';

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